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Rav. Dov Harrouch


“It all starts with our youth”

Rav. Michael Harrosch


“Our tradition is the richest heritage”

Olami Center

(re)connect with Judaism

Founded and managed by Rabbi Dov Harrouch and Rabbi Michael Harrosch, this new center aims at providing a safe space for jews that want to (re)connect with their Judaism through learning, Prayers, Israel trips, various activities and rabinical guidance.

Through Daily minyanim, Shabbaton, classes, organized trips, sports and much more, the Olami Center Montreal has for mission to inspire our youth back to their roots. The Center is located in the heart of Cote Saint-Luc at 5818 Westminster, corner Mackle.

15+ Years Of Dedication
100+ Seminars
200+ Shidouchim
50+ Trips

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